Notice Of Book Closure Date For Dividend
Notice Type | Notice of Book Closure Date for Dividend |
Corporate Action Details (e.g. Rights ratio, dividend ratio, tax rate, etc) |
(i) the entitlements of holders of units in Starhill Global REIT’s (“Units” and holders of Units, “Unitholders”) distributable income of 1.0700 cents per Unit for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 March 2011 (the “Distribution”), comprising a taxable income component of 0.7900 cents per Unit and a capital component of 0.2800 cents per Unit; and (ii) the entitlements of holder(s) of convertible preferred units in Starhill Global REIT’s (“CPUs”)1 distributable income of 1.3617 cents per CPU for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 March 2011 (the “CPU Distribution” and together with the Distribution, the “Distributions”) comprising a taxable income component of 1.0054 cents per CPU and a capital component of 0.3563 cents per CPU. |
Record Date | 05/05/2011 |
Record Time | 17:00 |
Date Paid/Payable (if applicable) | 31/05/2011 |
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