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- Delivering profitable and sustainable business growth

through effective compliance and risk management

- Operating our business responsibly with accountability

- Strengthening responsible stewardship of our assets,

products and services


The Manager believes that strong and

effective corporate governance is

essential in protecting the interests of

the Unitholders of SGREIT and is critical

to the success of its performance

as the Manager. The Manager is

committed to the highest standards

of corporate governance and

transparency in the management of

SGREIT and operates in the spirit of the

Code of Corporate Governance 2012

in the discharge of its responsibilities

as Manager. For more details on

SGREIT’s Corporate Governance,

please refer to pages 76 to 88 of

this Annual Report.



SGREIT maintains a zero-tolerance

stance towards corruption. The

Manager has implemented an anti-

corruption policy which provides

specific guidance on anti-corruption

practices (such as the prohibition on

bribery), and sets out the procedures

to follow for specific circumstances

such as the provision and/or accepting

of gifts, donations and entertainment.

The policy also sets out specific

principles and practices in place to

prevent, detect and report instances

of corruption, bribery and extortion.

In conjunction with SGREIT’s zero-

tolerance stance towards corruption,

the Manager has also established

a whistleblowing policy, pursuant

to which employees and any other

persons may, in confidence, raise

concerns about potential or actual

improprieties in financial or other

operational matters, so as to facilitate

independent investigations of such

matters and ensure that appropriate

remedial and follow-up action is taken.

In FY 2016/17, there were no reported

cases of material non-compliance with

any laws and regulations (including

anti-corruption laws).


Effective risk management is a

fundamental part of SGREIT’s business

strategy. Recognising and managing

risk is central to the business and to

protecting Unitholders’ interests and

value. The Manager has in place an

enterprise risk management (ERM)

framework and policies approved by

the Board that provide a structured

approach to identifying and managing

the material risks that could arise in

the course of managing SGREIT.

For more details on SGREIT’s Risk

Management, please refer to

page 58 of this Annual Report.

Supply Chain

Our supply chain includes our

property managers, tenants and

suppliers for various services. Our

tenants and suppliers are selected

for their reputation, track records and

expertise in their field. In addition,

compliance with local government

and legal requirements is a criterion

for appointed contractors and service

providers. For engagements that

are complex or entail high financial

risks, due diligence is carried out to

ascertain their financial standing and

track record for heightened risk.


SGREIT is committed to upholding

high standards of health, hygiene

and safety standards for our tenants

and shoppers alike. The Manager and

Property Managers are committed to

giving their best efforts in providing

a safe and healthy environment

within our properties. The Manager

complies with all material aspects

with the Singapore Workplace Safety

and Health Act. We have also put in

place appropriate fire safety measures

and standard operating procedures

with appropriate response plans

in preparation for fire evacuation

and emergencies. Properties in

Singapore are managed by property

management teams who are trained

in first aid. The properties are also

subject to fire safety audits. Fire and

evacuation drills are conducted once

a year for both the malls and office

blocks in Singapore, Australia and

Malaysia to familiarise tenants and

staff with the emergency response

plans. In Adelaide, all staff are trained in

emergency procedures, and an annual

inspection on fire and emergency

controls is carried out by an external

consultant for compliance. Myer Centre

Adelaide hosts the monthly Adelaide

CBD BusinessWatch meetings whereby

the various security divisions and the

South Australia Police Division get

together with representatives from

major organisations to discuss issues

relating to security, safety, threats

and risks, enabling a strong working

relationship between the centre

management and South Australia

Police Division.

In October 2016, an incipient fire broke

out within a tenant’s premises at Wisma

Atria. Shoppers and tenants at the mall

were immediately evacuated and the

Property Manager worked closely with

the Singapore Civil Defence Force in

ensuring the safety of shoppers and

tenants at the mall. After investigation,

the incipient fire was found to be

accidental and of electrical origin,

and a Building Structure Inspectorate

from the Building Construction

Authority was on site to verify that the

structural integrity of the building was

not affected, with no damage to the

common area of the mall. The new

electrical installation for the unit was

inspected and cleared by an officer

from Singapore Power Group.

On 28 September 2016, Myer Centre

Adelaide was closed for operations

for the day as the state of Adelaide,

South Australia was affected by a

state-wide power loss following severe

storms which destroyed the city’s

critical infrastructure. The centre was

evacuated and closed until power

was restored the following day.