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Page Background


- Promoting energy efficiency in our properties

- Improving water efficiency

On 3 March 2017, the mall was

affected momentarily by a state-

wide power spike. Power was restored

almost immediately and the mall was

able to reset and regain its power

services very quickly, causing minimal

disruption to the mall operations.

Personal Data Security

The Manager and Property Manager

in Singapore place utmost importance

on the security of personal data

in compliance with the Singapore

Personal Data Protection Act 2012

(PDPA). The Manager has a personal

data protection policy in place which

sets out the approach for both the

Manager and the Property Manager

in Singapore in achieving compliance

with the PDPA, and lists clear

guidelines governing the collection,

use, protection and disclosure of

individuals’ personal data.

Tenant Satisfaction

Satisfied customers are quintessential

elements to our success, and

it is imperative that through

communication and customer

satisfaction, we build long-lasting

relationships with them. On a yearly

basis, the Property Manager in

Singapore gathers annual feedback

from tenants at SGREIT’s Singapore

Retail and Office Properties in terms

of property management services

offered and general building security

& maintenance. In the tenant survey

that was conducted in FY 2016/17

at our Singapore properties, the

majority of the response was in the

“Satisfied” range.

Unitholder Communications

The Manager is committed to equitable,

timely and effective communications

through various channels such as

SGX announcements, press releases,

briefing sessions, investor presentations

and conferences, annual reports,

corporate video, corporate website

and emails to disseminate information

on its financial and operational

performance, business plans and

latest developments. Investor relations

materials are vetted by the Manager

for accuracy, consistency, and

compliance with policies.

SGREIT believes in managing our

business better to create long-

term value for our stakeholders.

Environmental protection not only

makes business sense but it is also

the Manager’s responsibility as a

responsible corporate citizen. We

complement our sustainability efforts

by embracing practices that are more

environmentally friendly, improving

efficiency of energy, water and waste

management in our properties,

raising awareness on climate

change among our employees and

by encouraging customers to make

sustainable choices.








PUB Water

Efficient Building


Adopt water efficient flow rates

and flush volume through the

use of water efficient fittings

Wisma Atria,



BCA Green

Mark - Platinum

Evaluates energy efficiency,

water efficiency, environment

protection, indoor environment

quality and other green

features of the building

Ngee Ann City,




Base Building –

4.5 star rating

Evaluates performance,

measures impact of actions

taken, addresses issues

and makes improvements

on the energy performance

of a building

Myer Centre

Adelaide –

Terrace Towers




SGREIT strives to improve its

efficiency on resources by reducing

its energy and water consumption,

and waste, while key indicators are

monitored regularly at our properties

in Singapore, Australia and Malaysia.

In 2015, Wisma Atria Property

received the PUB Water Efficient

Building (Basic) certification.

Ngee Ann City is a leading energy

efficient building in Singapore

and has achieved the Building &

Construction Authority (BCA) Green

Mark Platinum standard for three

consecutive years.


The Paris Agreement has been

ratified by 151 countries out of 197

countries to date. In 2016, Singapore

ratified its commitment to the Paris

Agreement, formalising its pledge

to reduce its emission intensity by

36% from 2005 levels by 2030, and

to stabilise emissions with the aim

of peaking around 2030. Singapore

also outlined in its Climate Action Plan

released in July 2016 that improving

energy efficiency across all sectors,

will continue to be Singapore’s key

strategy to reduce greenhouse gas

emissions. In support of this cause,

SGREIT is committed to a long-term

target to achieve a 15% reduction

in energy consumption over a

10-year period from FY 2016/17 for

the Singapore Properties.

The primary source of energy at

SGREIT properties is electrical energy.

In FY 2016/17, the electrical energy

consumption registered a reduction

(figure 4), largely contributed by the

energy saving initiatives undertaken.