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None of the Independent Directors

have any relationships which are likely

to affect his independent judgment

and ability to act in the interests

of all unitholders as a whole. The

independence of the Independent

Directors is assessed by the Board

on an annual basis. As and when any

relationship which is likely to affect

an Independent Director’s judgment

and ability to act in the interests of

all unitholders as a whole arises, the

affected Director is expected to

disclose such relationship to

the Board.

The Board notes that Dr Michael

Hwang had served on the Board

for more than nine years from the

date of his appointment and the

Board subjected his independence

to rigorous review. The Board

(excluding Dr Hwang) considered

that Dr Hwang has remained

independent of character and

judgment. He had continued to

express independent, impartial and

autonomous viewpoints, debate

issues objectively, scrutinise and

challenge Management on important

issues and sought clarification

and amplification when deemed

necessary. Notwithstanding the

Board’s assessment that Dr Hwang has

remained independent of character

and judgment, Dr Hwang has

stepped down from the Board, and

Mr Tan Woon Hum has succeeded

him with effect from 1 August 2017,

in line with the requirements under

the Draft SF(LCB)R which provide

that independent directors should

not serve for a period of nine years

or longer. Thereafter, Independent

Directors will not serve more than nine

years from their date of appointment

on the Board.

The composition of the Board as at

30 June 2017 is as follows:

Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr) Francis Yeoh

Sock Ping

Non-Executive Chairman


Mr Ho Sing

Executive Director & Chief Executive

Officer (Non-independent)

Dato’ Yeoh Seok Kian

Non-Executive Director


Mr Lim Kok Hoong

Lead Independent Director

(Non-executive) (Independent)

Dr Michael Hwang

(succeeded by Mr Tan Woon Hum with

effect from 1 August 2017)

Non-Executive Director (Independent)

Mr Ching Yew Chye

Non-Executive Director (Independent)

As Lead Independent Director,

Mr Lim Kok Hoong has the discretion to

hold meetings with the Independent

Directors (without the presence

of Management) as he deems

appropriate or necessary, and

he will provide feedback to the

Non-Executive Chairman, where

appropriate. The Lead Independent

Director is available to unitholders

where they have concerns and for

which contact through the normal

channels of the Chief Executive

Officer (“CEO”) or the Chief Financial

Officer (“CFO”) has failed to resolve or

is inappropriate. The Non-Executive

Directors participate in setting and

developing strategies and goals

for Management, and reviewing

and assessing Management’s

performance. This enables

Management to benefit from their

external and objective perspective

of issues that are brought before the

Board. It also enables the Board to

interact and work with Management

through a healthy exchange of

ideas and views to help shape the

strategic process.

The size of the Board and core

competencies of its members in various

fields of accounting, finance, business

management and legal, together

with their relevant industry knowledge

and strategic planning experience,

effectively serve Starhill Global REIT

and the Manager. Management is

able to benefit from their diverse and

objective perspectives on issues that

are brought before the Board with a

healthy exchange of ideas and views

between the Board and Management.

The Board is of the view that its current

composition comprises persons who,

as a group, provide the necessary core

competencies and that the current

Board size is appropriate, taking into

consideration the nature and scope

of Starhill Global REIT’s operations.

When the Board decides to appoint

new directors, it will consider suitable

candidates without regard to gender,

as the ultimate choice should primarily

be based on merit.

The profiles of the Directors are

set out on pages 20 and 21 of

this Annual Report.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Principle 3:

There should be a clear division of

responsibilities between the leadership

of the Board and the executives

responsible for managing the

company’s business. No one individual

should represent a considerable

concentration of power.

The positions of Chairman and CEO

are held by two separate persons

in order to maintain effective

segregation of duties. There is a

clear separation of the roles and

responsibilities between the Chairman

and the CEO. The Chairman, Tan Sri

Dato’ (Dr) Francis Yeoh Sock Ping, and

the CEO, Mr Ho Sing, are not related.

The Chairman facilitates active

Board discussion on matters

concerning the business of Starhill

Global REIT, and ensures that the

Board satisfactorily oversees and

evaluates the implementation of

Starhill Global REIT’s strategy, policies,

business plans and Board decisions.

In addition, the Chairman ensures that

the members of the Board receive

complete, adequate and timely

information, facilitates the effective

contribution of the Non-Executive

Directors, encourages constructive

relations within the Board and

between the Board and Management,

ensures effective communication

with Unitholders and promotes a high

standard of corporate governance.

The CEO works with the Chairman

and the Board in formulating

strategies for Starhill Global REIT and

is responsible for implementing

Starhill Global REIT’s strategies and

its day-to-day operations.

Board Membership

Principle 4:

There should be a formal and

transparent process for the

appointment and re-appointment

of directors to the Board.