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Page Background

which have an impact on the business

risks and management of liability

of Starhill Global REIT, and acts on

comments and recommendations from

the auditors of Starhill Global REIT.

The Board has considered and

reviewed sustainability issues

in the environment, social and

governance aspects of our business.

More information on the material

sustainability issues of Starhill Global

REIT are set out from pages 60 to 75

of this Annual Report.

In the discharge of its functions,

the Board is supported by an Audit

Committee that provides independent

oversight of Management and which

also serves to ensure that there are

appropriate checks and balances.

The Board has established a system

of internal controls and an enterprise

risk management framework. The

application of the policies and

protocol under the framework is

further described in the section “Risk

Management” on page 58. The

Board has adopted a set of internal

controls with approval limits for

capital expenditure, investments and

divestments, bank borrowings and

cheque signatories, amongst others.

Apart from matters that specifically

require Board approval, such as the

issue of new units, income distributions

and other returns to Unitholders,

the Board approves transactions

exceeding certain threshold limits,

while delegating authority for matters

below those limits to Management to

facilitate operational efficiency.

Changes to regulations, policies and

accounting standards are monitored

closely. Where the changes have

significant impact on Starhill Global

REIT and its obligations of continuing

disclosure, the Directors will be

briefed during Board meetings or by

circulation of Board papers. Further,

Directors have access to programmes,

courses or seminars organised by

the Singapore Institute of Directors

(“SID”). During FY 2016/17, the Manager

arranged for Mr Ching Yew Chye,

who is based in Malaysia, to attend

courses organised by the SID which

covered the statutory and regulatory

compliance obligations of listed

companies and risk management

essentials. The costs of training are

borne by the Manager. The Board

has reviewed the current training and

professional development programmes

in place for the Directors.

Newly appointed directors are briefed

on their roles and responsibilities as

Directors of the Manager, and of

the business activities and strategic

directions of Starhill Global REIT. Upon

appointment, a formal letter setting

out the director’s duties, obligations

and responsibilities, together with the

Trust Deed and latest annual report will

be given to the director. The Manager

has in place an orientation programme

aimed at familiarising new Directors

with the business activities and

strategic directions of Starhill Global

REIT, the corporate governance and risk

management structure and practices,

as well as their disclosure obligations

as Directors. The Manager conducted

an orientation programme for the two

Independent Non-Executive Directors

of the Manager appointed during

FY 2016/17, Mr Lim Kok Hoong and

Mr Ching Yew Chye. An orientation

programme will be conducted for

Mr Tan Woon Hum, who was recently

appointed as an Independent Non-

Executive Director of the Manager on

1 August 2017. Appropriate training will

also be provided to first-time directors.

Board Composition

Principle 2:

There should be a strong and

independent element on the Board,

which is able to exercise objective

judgment on corporate affairs

independently, in particular, from

Management and 10% shareholders.

No individual or small group of

individuals should be allowed to

dominate the Board’s decision-making.

The Board comprises six members,

three of whom are Independent Non-

Executive Directors. As such, there is

a strong and independent element

on the Board. A Director who has no

relationship with the Manager, its

shareholders who hold 10% or more

of the voting shares in the Manager,

Unitholders who hold 10% or more of

the units in issue of Starhill Global REIT,

its related corporation or its officers

that could interfere, or be reasonably

perceived to interfere, with the exercise

of the Director’s independent business

judgment in the best interests of

Starhill Global REIT is considered to

be independent. The assessment of

a Director’s independence also

takes into account the enhanced

independence requirements and the

definition of “independent director”

as set out in the draft amendments

to the Securities and Futures

(Licensing and Conduct of Business)

Regulations (“Draft SF(LCB)R”).

Under the enhanced independence

requirements set out in the Draft

SF(LCB)R, an independent director

is one who: (i) is independent from

any management and business

relationship with the Manager and

Starhill Global REIT, (ii) is independent

from any substantial shareholder of

the Manager and any substantial

unitholder of Starhill Global REIT, and

(iii) has not served on the Board for a

continuous period of 9 years or longer.

Mr Ching Yew Chye has disclosed

that he is the independent non-

executive Chairman of AIA Berhad,

a subsidiary of AIA Group Limited,

a substantial unitholder of Starhill

Global REIT. Despite the foregoing,

the Board has assessed Mr Ching’s

independence and has taken the

view that his independent judgment

and ability to act in the interests

of all unitholders as a whole will

not be impeded, given that Mr

Ching is not an executive but an

independent director of AIA Berhad

and is not appointed on the Board

as a nominee of any AIA entities.

He is also not a director of any

substantial unitholder or controlling

unitholder of Starhill Global REIT,

and the businesses of Starhill Global

REIT and AIA Berhad or AIA Group

Limited are distinctly different and

there are therefore unlikely to be any

competing interests.

In addition, Mr Tan Woon Hum has

disclosed that he is a partner of M/s

Shook Lin & Bok LLP (“SLB”), which

provides services to the Trustee from

time to time. As the amount of legal

fees paid to SLB by Starhill Global

REIT in FY 2016/17 and FY 2015/16

is insubstantial in relation to the

revenue of SLB, and Mr Tan will not be

personally involved in legal services

to be provided by SLB for Starhill

Global REIT, the Board has assessed

Mr Tan’s independence and has

taken the view that his independent

judgment and ability to act in the

interests of all unitholders as a whole

will not be impeded.