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Page Background

The Manager has not established

a nominating committee as the

Board undertakes the function of

a nominating committee, including

assessing the independence of the

Independent Directors on an annual

basis. The Manager, taking into

account the capacity of the Board

to undertake the responsibilities of a

nominating committee in light of the

activities and scale of the business

of Starhill Global REIT, the fact that

independent directors constitute

half of the Board of the Manager

and that the nomination policy is

required to be approved by the Board,

including by at least a majority of

Independent Directors, does not

consider it necessary for the Board

to establish a nominating committee.

The Independent Directors constitute

half the Board and therefore play

a substantial role and assures the

objectivity and independence of the

decision-making process.

Directors of the Manager are not

subject to periodic retirement by

rotation, nor re-appointment through

voting by unitholders, as the Manager

is a wholly-owned subsidiary of YTL

Corporation Berhad and Independent

Directors comprise a minimum of

one-half of the Board.

The composition of the Board is

reviewed regularly to ensure that it

has the appropriate mix of expertise

and experience. The composition of

the Board (including the selection of

candidates for new appointments as

part of the Board’s renewal process)

is determined in accordance with the

following principles:

1. The Board should comprise

directors with a broad range of

commercial experience including

expertise in fund management

and experience in all facets of the

property or real estate industry; and

2. At least half of the Board should

comprise independent directors.

A director with multiple board

representation is expected to ensure

sufficient attention is given to the

affairs of the Manager and Starhill

Global REIT. The Manager believes that

putting a maximum limit on the number

of directorships a Director can hold is

arbitrary, given that time requirements

and complexity for each vary, and thus

should not be prescriptive. A sufficient

safeguard is requiring each Director to

confirm his ability to devote sufficient

time and attention to the affairs of

the Manager and Starhill Global REIT,

having regard to all his other listed

company board representations and

other principal commitments.

No alternate directors were appointed

during FY 2016/17.

Any Director may source for and

nominate new Directors to be

appointed by the Board of Directors,

through their extensive networks and

contacts. If necessary, the Board

may seek advice from the Singapore

Institute of Directors or external search

consultants. During FY 2016/17, new

potential directors of both genders

were sourced through contacts

and recommendations, including

recommendations from the Singapore

Institute of Directors, contacts from

Directors, and recommendations from

relevant industry professionals.

Selections and nominations are made

based on the following guidelines:


Relevant expertise (sector and

functional) and the degree to

which his or her skill set

complements the skill set of the

other Board members;

Reputation and standing in the


In the case of prospective

Independent Directors,

independence based on the criteria

in the Code;

The fit and proper criteria issued

by MAS;

Potential Directors will be

considered without regard to

gender, and the ultimate choice will

primarily be based on merit; and

The Director should be likely to

have adequate time to discharge

his duties.

Board Performance

Principle 5:

There should be a formal assessment

of the effectiveness of the Board as a

whole and its Board committees and

the contribution by each director to

the effectiveness of the Board.

The Manager believes that the

performance of the Manager, and the

Board, is reflected in the long-term

success of Starhill Global REIT.

Reviews of Board performance are

conducted once a year. Directors are

required to complete a questionnaire

evaluating the Board and the Audit

Committee. The questionnaire

covers areas such as Board

composition, access to information,

Board processes, risk management,

Board training and development,

understanding of the business,

strategic planning and any specific

areas where improvements may

be made. The Board will evaluate

and discuss the results of the

annual Board performance review

with a view towards improving the

effectiveness of the Board. Pursuant

to the Board evaluation process,

the Board is satisfied that it has

achieved its performance objectives

for FY 2016/17.

In cases where the Director(s) have

multiple listed board representations,

the Board conducts an annual review

to ensure that they are able to and

have been devoting sufficient time

to discharge their responsibilities

adequately. Each Director confirmed

his ability to devote sufficient time

and attention to the affairs of the

Manager and Starhill Global REIT,

having regard to all his other listed

company board representations

and other principal commitments.

Notwithstanding that some of

the Directors have multiple board

representations, the Board is satisfied

that each Director is able to and has

been adequately carrying out his

duties as a Director of the Manager.

The Manager believes that

contributions from each Director go

beyond his attendance at Board and

committee meetings. Contributions

by an individual Board member take

other forms, which includes providing

objective perspectives of issues,

facilitating business opportunities

and strategic relationships, and

accessibility to Management outside

of a formal environment of Board

and/or Audit Committee meetings.

A Director of the Manager would have

been appointed on the principles

outlined earlier in this statement, and

on his/her ability to contribute to the

proper guidance of the Manager in its

management of Starhill Global REIT.